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Green Chambers’ Quest for Women Emancipation

World News

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Green Chambers’ Quest for Women Emancipation

Source: This Day Live

Udora Orizu chronicles the noteworthy strides being made by the 10th House of Representatives towards improving women’s political representation and end gender based violence in the country.

The 10th House of Representatives, is rekindling hopes of Nigerian women following assurances of legislative reforms to improve women’s political representation, one of which is to revisit the five gender bills rejected during the alteration of the 1999 Constitution (as amended), in  March, 2022.

These assurances, without doubt, are worthy of note, as it shows the lawmakers commitment towards ensuring that women’s rights are protected.

The rejection of the gender Bills during amendment of the constitution by the lawmakers sparked outrage and protests by women and fundamental rights groups.

Click here to read the full article published by This Day Live on 1 December 2023.

Image by This Daily Live


This Day Live

Udora Orizu chronicles the noteworthy strides being made by the 10th House of Representatives towards improving women’s political representation and end gender based violence in the country.

The 10th House of Representatives, is rekindling hopes of Nigerian women following assurances of legislative reforms to improve women’s political representation, one of which is to revisit the five gender bills rejected during the alteration of the 1999 Constitution (as amended), in  March, 2022.

These assurances, without doubt, are worthy of note, as it shows the lawmakers commitment towards ensuring that women’s rights are protected.

The rejection of the gender Bills during amendment of the constitution by the lawmakers sparked outrage and protests by women and fundamental rights groups.

Click here to read the full article published by This Day Live on 1 December 2023.

Image by This Daily Live

